Welcome Wilkommen Bienvenue

Thanks for visiting ! Please leave me comments, I love to read what you might think about the boutis (which is also known as "Broderie de Marseille"), please share with me what you have seen, what you love, how-tos, good museums to visit, pattern origins, and so on ..... you get the idea !

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Boutis Treasure

I was very lucky on my travels to come across a very old, very damaged little petasson. It was love at first sight of course and I wanted to purchase it. The stallholder, however, said that it was not for sale, she keeps it only to explain to tourists what a real boutis is. So we continued to talk for a while about all things boutis, it was a pleasant conversation. Imagine my surprise when she said that after all, she would be willing to sell it to me since I have some knowledge of the boutis and it would be in safe hands. According to the seller, this petasson is from the Nimes area. I have not dared to wash it yet, but I have traced the pattern and I am going to stitch it again myself, so that the original can be preserved but we can enjoy the pattern and work it represents. I did have to re-interpret the center somewhat, it is very damaged and there were a couple of areas where I could not see exactly what the design was. I hope I have stayed true to the spirit though.


Angelikas quilts and knits said...

Schön, dass die Dame sich umentschieden und Dir das schöne Stück verkauft hat. Es ist verständlich, dass sie sich erst davon überzeugen wollte, dass diese wundervolle Arbeit nicht an einen gewöhnlichen Souvenirjäger geht. Bei Dir ist diese Arbeit in den allerbesten Händen :-)

Nini Petits Boutis said...

Beau travail de reproduction Bravo
Bon courage pour la suite

stadtgarten said...

Liebe Heather, da werde ich Deinen neuen Blog doch gleich mal verlinken.
Ein sehr schönes Stück hast Du da bekommen, und ich finde es toll, dass Du es nacharbeitest.
Liebe Grüße nach Florida,

Lou said...

It's a very beautiful boutis. I like it, and i want to see the newone !

Donna in SW PA said...

I love your piece!!! I would love to make it if you are selling the pattern I would love to get it. Are you going to the symposium?